Experimentation is key, yet here are my frequently used
Art Styles
A short introduction to separate art styles with links to the respective categories
Meet the Artist
Wielding pen and paper, trying to make beautiful things people enjoy

Hi, I’m Nele aka Kaffeetasse, a freelance artist. Always thinking about my next illustration and what kind of coffee I would like to enjoy next.
My goal is to fill the world with memorable details that let people pause and enjoy the moment, celebrating life in every shape and form.
I work primarily with ink and water based mediums. Playing and experimenting, refining the work in a digital space for finishing touches.
Apart from my artist freelance work, I enjoy a nice cup of coffee, working on photo projects with friends as Kaffeetasse, the model and having a good time at parties and rock concerts!
(And cat pictures. All the cat pictures.)
A selection of my best work

Get in Touch!
Interested in Collaborating?
I always love to take on exciting new projects and support your vision!
You can always contact me using the contact form, my E Mail or drop a message at my linked socials!